Interior House Painting Utica NY
There’s no place like home, unless you can’t stand the colors on the wall. If you’re ready to fall in love with your Utica home all over again, it is time for interior house painting utica ny. With the help of our experienced team members, the colors on your walls will no longer make you cringe. We will help you create the space you’ve been dreaming of.
Our Interior House Painting Utica NY Process
The first step to any project is discussing with the homeowner what results they want. Do you like the general color scheme you have but need them refreshed? We can color match. Do you feel like the palette you have is totally outdated and needs something new and exciting? We’re up-to-date on all the interior house painting trends in the Utica area.
Choosing your colors and the finish of the paint will be the biggest step of the process for you. And we’ll guide you through it. We use products from top-rated brands like Sherwin Williams, Porter Paints and Benjamin Moore. We’ve experienced great success with their products, and our interior house painting customers have been extremely satisfied with the results.
The sheen of the paint will depend on the size of the room and the amount of light it gets. We may even consider using a paint that is easy-to-clean in a house with small children. The colors for your interior house painting project will depend on the theme or style you want to achieve. We’ll help you find the perfect combination. Once that part is done, the rest is up to us.
Setting Up – The paint you choose belongs only on the walls and maybe the ceiling. So we take the time to move all of your belonging to the center of the room and carefully drape them. They’ll be protected from any potential paint drips or splatters that can happen during interior house painting. We’ll ensure your floors are protected as well.
Major Prep Work – Just because the walls are bare doesn’t mean they are ready for paint. Any dirt or dust will need to be washed away before interior house painting can begin. We can remove wall paper and popcorn ceilings. Your room will be stripped bare. Minor damages to drywall like nail holes and cracks will be filled and smoothed. By doing these preparations, we can ensure your results will be flawless and your paint will last.
Interior House Painting Utica– When the walls are ready, we prime all of the repaired areas. If the previous colors are dark, we prime them as well. The colors you have chosen will be carefully applied. Our professional Utica interior house painting team members know the perfect cutting in techniques to guarantee clean edges for a flawless finish.
Clean Up – When the paint is dry, we’ll begin the cleanup process. We check baseboards, trim and doors for spots. We pull up all the floor protection and carefully remove drapes. When the paint is dry enough, we return your furniture to its original arrangement.You’ll be able to enjoy a brand new room immediately.
With almost 30 years of experience in the industry, we have mastered interior house painting in Utica. You’ll get great results from us every single time. We also offer exterior house painting, pressure washing, deck coating and sidewalk and driveway sealing. You can completely restore your home in just a couple of short days without major remodeling or disruptions to your routine.
We provide free estimates on all of our projects. Contact us today for more information on interior house painting utica ny or in Rome, Utica, Oneida, Marcy, Yorkville, Whitesboro, Clinton and Herkimer. For a free estimate on all of our services call us today at 315-797-0638